Procedure text and Explanation text

Procedure text and Explanation text A. Procedure text "How to make fungsional drink, with ginger and turmeric" This drink is a traditional drink that many of our grandparents used to drink until now. Ingredients : • 1 liter of water • 7 turmeric seeds • 3 ginger seeds • 5 gram tamarind • 100gram brown sugar • 4 tablespoons white sugar Instruction/steps : 1. wash thoroughly turmeric and ginger 2. puree with a blender 3.Prepare 1 liter of water in the pan and boil 4. then boil turmeric and ginger into the pan 5. Also add tamarind, brown sugar and white sugar 6. boil until all dissolve then wait until cooked 7. Chill then in strain into a glass 8. drinks ready to be served This is an image that has become a product and I have sold it B. Explanation text "How to make fungs...