Purwosari, Pasuruan
                                                                                                                         East java - Indonesia                                                                                  
                                                                                                                           February 23, 2020

Dear Nana,

       Hello ima, how are you,my friend? what are you doing? I really miss you so much. The last time we met when we graduated from high school. Howw about yours study in university? are you enjoy studying there?

       I will explain to go SDG number 1, that is proverty. That firs objective of the SDG is no poverty. With the main goal of ending all froms of proverty everyhere. Extreme poverty Rate by 2030 redace at least half the proportion of men. Women and children of al eges. Living in poverty in all  dimensies according to national evinitions.

with indicators :
1. percentage of population living below the national poverty line,by sex and age group.
2. percentage of men,women and children of all ago. Living in poverty in various dimensions. according to national devinitions.

        okay my friend,  my be that's enough that I can explain. when will I explain more abou SDG to you. have a nice day nana. I LOVE YOU  


                                                                                                                          Ike Rohmujatul Janah


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