Procedure text and Explanation text
Procedure text and Explanation text
A. Procedure text
"How to make fungsional drink, with ginger and turmeric"
This drink is a traditional drink that many of our grandparents used to drink until now.
• 1 liter of water
• 7 turmeric seeds
• 3 ginger seeds
• 5 gram tamarind
• 100gram brown sugar
• 4 tablespoons white sugar
Instruction/steps :
1. wash thoroughly turmeric and ginger
2. puree with a blender
3.Prepare 1 liter of water in the pan and boil
4. then boil turmeric and ginger into the pan
5. Also add tamarind, brown sugar and white sugar
6. boil until all dissolve then wait until cooked
7. Chill then in strain into a glass
8. drinks ready to be served
This is an image that has become a product and I have sold it
B. Explanation text
"How to make fungsional drink, with ginger and turmeric"
ginger and turmeric herbs.
Drinks derived from Indonesian spices, namely turmeric, ginger, tamarind, brown sugar and white sugar.Turmeric is Turmeric belonging to the ginger group, and ginger itself is a rhizome plant that is very popular as a spice and medicinal ingredient. Rhizome-shaped fingers are bulging in the middle segments.Ginger and turmeric are both beneficial as a flavor enhancer in cooking. Ginger offers a spicy and sweet taste to the dish while turmeric gives a golden yellow color. Now the combination of these two ingredients is also very effective for health. Besides being natural, these ingredients are also easy to get. Ginger and turmeric can be consumed in a variety of ways and conditions, whether fresh, dried or crushed and added to various dishes or brewed. Herbal from ginger and turmeric, if used together they can be efficacious can help reduce pain. so many people who consume ginger and turmeric as herbal medicine. and now even the emergence of the Covid-19 virus case, before we were exposed to the covid-19 virus.we must maintain our immunity to be always healthy by drinking or eating healthy food. one of them by drinking turmeric and ginger traditional herbal drinks. Here how ginger and turmeric herbs are made.
first, clean turmeric and ginger, then puree with a second blender, then prepare 1 liter of water in the pan, then boil turmeric and ginger into the pan, also add acid, brown sugar and white sugar. wait for it to boil, after that, wait for it to cool and strain the drink into a glass. When it will be drunk, wait until it is cold so that the ginger and turmeric herbs are ready to be served when it's cold.
C. Procedure text Vs Explanation text
Difference in Procedure Text and Explanation Text
Procedure text is Procedure text is text that contains the objectives and steps to carry out an activity so that the activity will succeed. With the procedure text it is hoped that the reader will understand in detail how to do things. And it is hoped that if the reader does the activity, he will succeed in doing it with satisfying results.
Explanation text is text that describes the process of an event or describes a situation. Explanation texts tell a fact of events and scientifically express them. The explanatory text is not intended to influence the reader's opinion, but only to provide information.
Explanation text uses passive sentences. And in the first paragraph there must be sentences that must be explained in the next paragraph. You can ask me if you do not understand. But your photo with your mom is very nice. And the steps in procedure text are also good.