
Service Learning

 Service Learning RECOUNT TEXT Name : Ike Rohmujatul Janah Class : XII IBB Number : 15        Naswa and Bintang are one of my neighbors.  He is a brother.  Naswa is the youngest of 3 siblings, and Bintang is her second child.  Bintang is a kid who tends to be nosy and introverted to kids his age, but he's actually a nice and sweet guy.  Meanwhile, Naswa is a girl who is active, cheerful, and sweet.  I decided to give some of my allowance to them.  because they are an orphan and are less able for economic factors.  Their father has died.  They only live with their mother.  Since their father passed away their life was very deprived.  His mother works as a cigarette salesman and sometimes they just don't have enough money to eat.  I went to their house.  but Naswa was not at his house, he joined his mother to work.  Finally I met Bintang, he was at his aunt's house.  And I immediately put a litt...

Procedure Text

Procedure Text How to Make Traditional Drink "Kencur Rice" *Ingredients*  5 segments of kencur  3 tablespoons of rice  3 segments of ginger   500ml water *tools* knife,filters, ulc, glasses, containers *Step* 1. Dream rice all night. Wash until clean rice and defecate 2. Peel the ginger and kencur then wash it thoroughly 3. Cut thin ginger and kencur  4. Ulk rice, kencur, and ginger until smooth  5. Love the water so that it doesn't really let it be smooth  6. Strain with a fine filter  7. Love half the spoon of sugar and salt if needed, stir until evenly  8. Pour the bottle. Cool into the bottle and insert the refrigerator to be fresher. May also directly drink  9. Kencur rice is ready to be served Benefits of Rice Kencur  1. Increase appetite  2. Overcoming Flu  3. Curing canker sores  4. Cure Diarrhea  5. Preventing Cancer Rice Kencur is very favored by my family, Mothers always make traditional drinks to avoi...

Nature Photography Exhibiton

  "Learn from nature because nature can provide invaluable learning and beauty" Name : Ike Rohmujatul Janah Class : XII IBB Number : 15


SOS4LOVE SDG number 1: NO PROVERTY   ending poverty in all its forms everywhere. week 1 SDG number 1: No Proverty ends poverty in all forms anywhere.  The reason I chose SDG Number 1 was to reduce the problem of poverty in the community. Because of the poverty of one of the problems faced in the Indonesian society. Poor society is always underestimated by people who are richer than them. I am concerned about the number of poverty rates in Indonesia. Let's get rid of poverty in The following are ways that can be done to overcome the problem of poverty:  1. Expanding employment  The government must provide more jobs in each particular area, where the region is currently short of jobs. In other words, the government is expected to be able to meet the number of job applicants so that it is comparable to the available employment opportunities.  2. Providing free educational assistance  In addition, the government also needs to provide relief from monthly school...


 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY PHASE 4 National Geography About River Name of Group : 1. Dewi Intan Permatasari (08) 2. Ike Rohmujatul Janah (15) 3. Shevy Rahmawati Dewi (30)

poster story telling


story telling

Story Telling